Holiday Feasts

Holiday Feasts

The holidays are always special. Faith and family traditions often dictate holiday menus, from breakfasts to desserts and everything in between.

We often allow ourselves to indulge in everything, after all, "it's a special day". This is the very reason why we need to be the most mindful of what we put into our bodies. Especially potlucks, where you do not want to offend any kind person who proudly brought to the table their special family dish. Our plates are piled “Mt. Everest” high with all kinds of delectables.

Enjoy your meals but limit your intake (especially desserts and sweets), after all, leftovers often taste better the next day. And during the festivities resist the lounge chair and move, move around the house greeting everyone; dance, even sing, and enjoy yourself.

Take something to help your digestive system do its thing; a slimming tea, senna or similar item. Don’t make this a habit, bingeing, and overindulging. You are in control of everything that comes into your body and mind; be the gatekeeper. You can enjoy the holidays, and life in general, (especially) when you are in control of yourself.

We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, New Year, etc. Have a wonderful time, love and be loved. If you find that you may be alone this holiday invite others over who will be alone and make neighbors and acquaintances friends. God Bless you,

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