Good Health is Everything

Good Health is Everything

We have a limited number of years on this earth. How you live them does matter, to you, to your family and friends and the collective souls now and into the future. When you are well and whole you give love and energy to others.

Our bodies truly are temples, we are marvelously and miraculously made. Our bodies are made to endure many ills and abuses. Our bodies have the ability to heal in spite the various attacks on it by chemicals, lack of a healthy diet, our tainted water and food supplies.

We are the greatest factor to our health and wellbeing. We should be mindful of the external forces and inputs that we allow into our temples (mind and body). We know by now that certain vices are not good for us, such as smoking, alcohol, sugar, and overindulging (too many to list here). Often we are not aware of the implications of some or many of our habits. We need to be advised; that is why we will be sharing with you here.

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